Exhibition "Refining", 26 March - 23 April 2023. Gallery "Our XXI century", Vologda Exhibition Untitled, 25.02.23 - 11.03.23 Artlectric Cinematography, 22.01.2023, Film Museum of Valery Rubtsov Yaura, 10 December 2022 - 15 January 2023, BC Chitay-Gorod, V.Novgorod, Ave. Mira 1 and Kochetova St 37 " 5-th Abstract Congress of Abstract Abstractionists", 19.12.2022-14.01.2023, St. Petersburg, 8-I Line V.O, 25 Time walks, 1 november - 31 December 2022, Museum of the Bronnitskaya Land, with. Bronnica, Novgorod region