I, Stos Karpov, - Contemporary art figure, founder of Yism and Artlectrics. Yaism is philosophical, mystical, spiritual practice aimed at revealing all aspects of the eternal Self. The main practice and direct method of Yaism is Artlectrica - improvisational painting combined with certain music and its own meditative environment.. Yaism is not a style, direction or genre of art, since art is only an active conductor and practical method, and not some professional goal in itself and not a new way of artistic self-affirmation. Yaism creates without restrictions and can borrow any creative styles and artistic directions it needs for the most complete realization of the Self.. Yism creates many new mystical artifacts, confirming different levels of eternity. Many of the created artworks are for sale and can decorate any interior.. If you are interested: Yaism, Artlectrik, my art, paintings, Exhibitions, creative collaboration, – contact, I am open to everyone.